module Lime::Modules::Mouse


The mouse pointer of the system.

NOTE The default mouse event report mode is Mode::Off which won't report any mouse events. To set a mouse event report mode, use #mode=.

Extended Modules

Defined in:


Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Class Method Detail

def self.extended #

Returns true if the mouse event report range is extended, otherwise false.

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def self.mode : Mode #

Returns the current mouse event report mode.

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Instance Method Detail

def extend(bool = true) #

Extends the mouse event report range if bool is true, otherwise resets the range.

The default X10 mouse protocol doesn't support mouse event reporting with x, y coordinates greater than 94. This extends the range to be greater than 94 by using the 1006 SGR (Select Graphic Rendition) mouse protocol.

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def get : Event? #

Waits for input and returns Event if the input is a mouse event, nil if the input is not a mouse event or if .mode is Mode::Off.

NOTE Ctrl+C is caught by this method and will not be handled by the system.

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def mode=(mode : Mode) #

Sets the mouse event report mode to mode.

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def peek : Event? #

Returns the mouse event happening in the moment this method is called as Event, nil if the input is not a mouse event or if .mode is Mode::Off.

NOTE Ctrl+C can be caught by this method and will not be handled by the system.

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